أخبار الشركات

تدرس رابغ العربية للمياه والكهرباء ("RAWEC ") زيادة رأس المال المدين أو حصتها في سوق القروض

Rabigh Arabian Water and Electricity Company (RAWEC) (99% indirectly owned by ACWA Power) is considering raising incremental senior debt in the capital or loan markets. This facility would further supplement and would be pari-passu to the previously announced US$ 800 million equivalent senior debt facility that was drawn down on Dec 30, 2021 and the […]

تدرس رابغ العربية للمياه والكهرباء ("RAWEC ") زيادة رأس المال المدين أو حصتها في سوق القروض قراءة المزيد »

اجتماع محطة راوك لتوليد الكهرباء وإنتاج البخار المستقلة 30 نوفمبر 2021

IWSPP management organized gathering for company’s employees in appreciation of their efforts, which contributed to the continuity & sustainability of work with high efficiency. The ceremony was held in the city of Rabigh at the Emad Equestrian Club on Tuesday, November 30, 2021, from 02:00 PM until 10:00 PM. The ceremony included a tour around

اجتماع محطة راوك لتوليد الكهرباء وإنتاج البخار المستقلة 30 نوفمبر 2021 قراءة المزيد »

الاحتفال باليوم الوطني الحادي والتسعين

The management of RAWEC, its employees and contractors celebrated the 91st National Day at its headquarter in Rabigh Governorate. The EMD of RAWEC Mr. Ahmed Al-Asam gave a speech on this occasion that included the efforts made by the leadership of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in hard work to move the Kingdom to be among

الاحتفال باليوم الوطني الحادي والتسعين قراءة المزيد »

التبرع بأجهزة حاسوب لجمعية البر الخيرية في رابغ

Donating of used laptops and computers to good causes has always been one of RAWEC’s approach to help enrich the local community in Rabigh and to increase the academic and professional knowledge of individuals by taking valuable items that are no longer needed and offering them to people who do. Recently RAWEC has donated 13

التبرع بأجهزة حاسوب لجمعية البر الخيرية في رابغ قراءة المزيد »

تطورات كوفيد-19 سبتمبر 2020

الحفاظ على سلامتك هو أولويتنا القصوى وجزء من قيم حياتنا الأساسية للسلامة بكل الطرق الممكنة، وعلى مدى الأشهر العديدة الماضية في ظل جائحة COVID-19 غير المسبوقة؛ فقد اتخذنا خطوات واسعة لحماية صحة ورفاهية فريق شركة راوك وكذلك المجتمعات التي نعيش بها.

تطورات كوفيد-19 سبتمبر 2020 قراءة المزيد »

الفحص الطبي السنوي 2019

Employees’ annual physical checkup plays an important role in managing the employee’s healthcare and awareness to prevent the risk of interpersonal diseases. Increasing workplace health-care perception has become a major issue in the world. Most of the health-related problems are faced because of the lack of health management instruments. The level of health care can

الفحص الطبي السنوي 2019 قراءة المزيد »

تحقيق محطة توليد الكهرباء وإنتاج البخار والماء المستقلة (IWSPP) عشرة ملايين ساعة عمل آمنة

On 10 August 2018, IWSPP achieved 10 million safe man-hours without any lost time injury. In addition to this great achievement, the Phase II project was completed with more than 28 million safe man-hours without loss time injury. These accomplishments are clearly the result of excellent commitment of all employees to our existing HSE Policy

تحقيق محطة توليد الكهرباء وإنتاج البخار والماء المستقلة (IWSPP) عشرة ملايين ساعة عمل آمنة قراءة المزيد »

التميُّز التشغيلي

February 18, 2020 was a remarkable and memorable day for all IWSPP family members. We had an extremely productive, valuable and highly motivational workshop on our transformation journey towards operational excellence. The workshop was initiated by sharing high value lessons learned which gave us the passion to continuously improve. Francis Gomez, our Executive Managing Director

التميُّز التشغيلي قراءة المزيد »